Associated Polish Home

9150 Academy Road, Philadelphia, PA 19114,

tel. (215) 624.9954

The Associated Polish Home, a Polish American Social and Cultural organization, welcome members and Polonia to consider holding activities and special events in the ballroom or picnie grove.

Associated Polish Home is conveniently located in Northeast Philadelphia, and you can select the caterer of your choice.

The Polish Home is also the meeting place for several Polish American organizations including:

- the Adam Mickiewicz Polish Language School,

- the Polish Intercollegiate Club of Philadelphia,

- PKM - Polish Folk Dancers,

- Polski Uniwersytet Ludowy,

- Adam Mularczyk Theatre Group,

- Marcella Kochanska-Sembrich Chorus.

APH offers ballroom dancing every Wednesday evening with the exception of the first Wednesday of each month, country dancing every Monday evening, and dances once a month in the upstairs baliroom.

We welcome your call. All of us at the Associated Polish Home are there to assist you with your next event.

From: Polish American News, April/May 2006