Amy Bargiel

The experience of Amy Bargiel

Dancer Amy Bargiel, member of the 293rd division of PNS, association of the name of bishop Leon Grochowski, granddaughter of Victoria Bargiel, former director of the 6th district became the heroine of Lucy Ball-Arnaz, famous actress playing the part in the comedy "I Love Lucy". Her son Desi Arnaz, Jr., married Amy Bargiel. Young Dezi Arnaz used drugs, what was danger for his career and even for life. Amy born in a Polish family in Chicago, active volunteer in Polish organization, lead him on to the good way. Lucy Ball-Arnaz was very grateful for saving her son. They live now in Boulder City, Nevada. Young Desi owes his wife for getting hm out of drug addiction.

Today he is the owner of his theater and film studio. He also helps his wife Amy in her ballet dance studio. Desi received "Golden Globe" for "Red Sky in Morning" winning the 18th film festival.

Now he speaks smiling, that in his life were sad and merry adventures. Even when he was born, for attending in the "Little Ricky" instead of regular, he was born in "cesarean" form.

Now a small supplement. When Amy Bargiel grandmother and grandfather, both PNS members, celebrated 50th anniversary of marriage, writing this words was the master of ceremonies. It was one more nice party mentioned with great satisfaction.

Przezycia Amy Bargiel

Baletnica Amy Bargiel czlonkini oddzialu 293-go PNS, towarzystwa imieniem ks. bpa Leona Grochowskiego, a wnuczka Wiktorji Bargiel, bylej wice dyrektorki okregu 6-go PNS, zostala nazwana jako bohaterka przez Lucy Ball - Arnaz slawnej aktorki komedji "I Love Lucy". Poniewaz jej syn Desi Arnze, Jr., poslubil Amy Bargiel. Gdyz niczem zawarli zwiazek malzenski, mlody Dezi Arnaz uzywal narkotyki i jego postepowanie przez to zagrazalo jego karjerze...jego zyciu. A Amy (Sp—jniaczka, z polskiej rodziny i z Chicago) przyprowadzila go na dobra droge. Lucy Ball-Arnaz byla bardzo wdzieczna Amy za uratowanie zycia jej syna. Mieszkaja teraz w Boulder City, Nevada; Mlody Desi tez zawdziecza swej zonie Amy ze pomogla mu wydostac sie z narkotyk—w.

Dzisiaj on posiada wlasny teatr i studio w kt—rym produkuje filmy i pomaga zonie w jej tanecznym studio, gdyz Amy uczy tanc—w baletowych. Desi wygral tak zwane; "Golden Globe" na 18-tym festywalu film—w; "Red Sky at Morning".

Z usmiechem m—wil iz jego zycie bylo z przygodami smutnemi i wesolemi. Nawet kiedy sie urodzil to nie bylo to wypadkiem... gdyz, abym byl w filmie "Little Ricky", to zamiast regularnego porodu... urodzilem sie forma - "Cesarean".

A teraz jeszcze maly dodatek. Kiedy Amy Bargiel babcia i dziadek, a oboje Sp—jniacy, obchodzili 50-cio lecie mazenstwa, to na ich bankiecie wasz piszacy byl mistrzem ceremonji. To byl jedno wiecej mile przyjecie o kt—rym z wielka satysfakcja wspominam.

Source: Straz, Nov. 1, 2001