View the article about George (Jerzy) Bojanowski by Edward Pinkowski [Arrow Picture]

Bojanowski, George
Musician, Conductor. Born in 1893 in Poland. Studied music in Conservatory of Music in Warsaw under direction of Prof. F. Szopski. Graduated also from the Conservatory of Music in Vienna. In 1918 engaged as director of music by The Warsaw Opera, Warsaw, Poland, and a year later by the Poznan Opera, Poznan, Poland. In Poznan he was also professor of music at the Conservatory of Music. In 1924 went to Germany, where he directed Philharmonic Orchestra at Dresden. He was called back to Poland as a musical director of opera in Torun and later in Lwow. In 1928 again he became musical director of Warsaw Opera and directed Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra. He appeared in concert programs with numerous symphonic orchestras in Europe and United States. In 1932 he came to the United States. He conducted symphonic orchestras in Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Tulsa. Since 1939 he is a permanent conductor of Symphonic Orchestra in Tulsa, Okla. Address: 1051 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Ill.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943