Beryl Gregory Pascavis (Paskiewicz)

Banking executive, accountant

Born Jul. 4, 1936, Sheboygan (WI), U.S.; son of Gregory J. and Nettie M. (CIark); married Elaine L. (Shilka); children: Wesley P., Kevin J., Kurt G.

Education: Bachelor of Science (B.S.) (in accounting economics), University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 1962; Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, 1975.; certified public accountant.

Career: auditor, Wisconsin Department of Audit, Madison, 1962-66; auditor, 1966, comptroller, 1967, cashier, 1968, vice president, cashier, 1969-74, executive vice president, 1974-77, Citizens National Bank, Stevens Point (WI); chairman, president, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), First National Bank, 1977 -, Greater Columbia Bancshares, Inc., 1984 -, Portage (WI).

Member of: active member, American Bankers Association, Wisconsin Bankers Association, Columbia County Bankers Association; Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Economic Development Company, Stevens Point, 1966-76, and Portage, since 1977.

Served with: U.S. Army, 1954-57.

Affiliation: Catholic.

Language: English.

Hobbies: golf, reading.

Home: 421 Winnebago Avenue, Portage, WI 53901.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation,
New York, NY, 1996.