Pulikowski, Julian
Professor. Laureate of Lwow Conservatory. Royal Academy of Berlin, Professor of Kiev Conservatory, professor of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Violinist. Born in Lwow (Lemberg). Poland. Began his study of the violin under Professor Wolfstahl in Lemberg. After winning the first prize in Conservatory in Lwow, proceeded to Berlin to study with Joachim at the Royal Academy of Music, for four years. Went to Prague to continue studies with Sevcik. When the Director of the Imperial Conservatory of Music at Kiev, Russia, asked Sevcik to recommend a teacher of violin, Sevcik, who had himself held this position for seventeen years, warmly recommended his pupil Pulikowski to be his successor. In Kiev, became the leading violinist and teacher. Soloist with the symphony orchestra and gave recitals and concerts throughout Europe, especially in Russia, Germany, Austria and Poland. Former member of string quartet, whose concert tours added greatly to his reputation. In 1914 became conductor of the Summer Symphony Orchestra in Kiev. Came to America in 1923, joined the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and became a member of the faculty of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Address: Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943