Stanley Anthony Sadowski

Polish and local community leader

Born Nov. 15, 1918, Hempstead (NY), U.S.; son of Boleslaw and Bronislawa (Zalewska); married Josephine (Rapacki); children: Stanley, Jr., Raymond, Mary Anna, Jo Ann.

Career: treasurer, Pulaski Parade Committee, Nassau County (NY), 19 years; recording secretary, trustee, Gen. Pulaski Memorial Commission, New York City, 14 years; secretary, treasurer, Plant Maintenance Club, Garden City (NY), 15 years; treasurer, Boy Scouts of America, 10 years, and Polish National Club, 3 years.

Members of: assistant, active member, St. Ladislaus Roman Catholic Church, Hempstead; Uniondale Republican Club; 314th Fighter Squadron Air Corps.

Honors: pictured on cover of Life Magazine, betwen 314 Fighter Squadron members, 1943; Good Conduct Medal; 3 distinguished unit citations for European, African, and Middle East Campaigns; Citizen of the Year, Polish American World, 1988.

Served with: U.S. Army Air Corps, British 8th Army, World War II, sergeant, 1942-45.

Affiliation: Roman Catholic.

Languages: English, Polish.

Hobbies: gardening, tennis, bowling.

Home: 237 Lenox Avenue, Uniondale, NY 11553.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.