Schmidtner, Leonard A.
(1828 - ?)

Reputed to be the son of the Royal Architect to Russian Tsar, and a member of the nobility under the name Baron von Kowalski. Arrived in America in 1848, later settled in Milwaukee, WI. Listed as an architect in the city directory for 1856: "plans in the most modern style finished in short order and warranted to be correct or no pay." Educated at universities in Warsaw and Munich. As a Milwaukee architect designed: St. Stanislaus Church, the Courthouse (1868) and the Old Insurance building at Wisconsin and Broadway (considered to be a distinct architectural contribution to the city). Died shortly after the completion of the courthouse.

From: "Milwaukee Journal," December 11, 1926; Article: "New Light on the Old Courthouse" by A. C. Guth, Milwaukee Architect