Krystyna Swiecicki (Kuratowska)

Artist printmaker, educator

Born Feb. 20, 1920, Warsaw, Poland; came to U.S., 1957; daughter of Roman and Maria (Sawicka); married Marek Swiecicki; child: Michael.

Education: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), London School of Art (United Kingdom), 1946; Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.), G. Washington University, Washington (DC), 1972; postgraduate, University of Maryland (MD), 1972, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw and Cracow (Poland), 1973-74.

Career: prof., Corcoran School of Art, Washington, 1965-73, 1979-83; instructor, G. Washington University, 1967-70, American University, Washington, 1972-73, Montgomery County Community College, Rockville (MD), 1974-76, Maryland College of Art, Silver Spring (MD), 1972-79.

Author: 20 one-person shows, i.a.: Scarab Club, Detroit (MI), 1967, Congressional Country Club Gallery, Potomac (MD), 1970, Wood - Waesche Galleries, Alexandria (VA), 1972, Piwnica pod Baranami, Cracow, 1973, Old Warsaw Gallery, Alexandria, 1976, Gudelsky Gallery, Maryland College of Art, 1979, Cosmos Club, Washington, 1984; 50 groups shows, i.a.: Smithsonian Institution, 1960, 1962, 1964, and Mickelson Gallery, Washington, Emerson Gallery, McLean (VA), 1976, Gudelsky Gallery, 1976-78, Plum Gallery, Kensington (MD), 1980; 200 editions of original prints: lithographs, silkscreens, etchings, woodblocks and mixed media; represented in permanent collections, National Collection of Fine Arts, and National Endowment for the Arts Gallery, Washington, National Museums of Art, Cracow and Warsaw.

Member: artist-in-residence, U.S. Department of Interior, Glen Echo (MD), 1970-71; founder, Printmakers, Inc., (executive director, 1975-88); Polish - American Arts Association (director, 1975-77); Northern Virginia Art League; Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (P.I.A.S.A.).

Honors: scholarship, Royal Society of Arts, (United Kingdom), 1943-45; grant, Kosciuszko Foundation, 1974-75.

Affiliation: Republican. Roman Catholic.

Languages: Polish, English, French.

Hobbies: gardening, fishing, photography.

Home: 3614 Whitehaven Parkway North West, Washington, DC 20007.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.