[Book picture]

Czyn Zbrojny Polonii Amerykanskiej w nowelkach i opowiadaniach wojskowych
The Armed Effort of American Polonia in short stories and wartime tales
editor: Arthur L. Waldo 1938
Nakladem "Dziennika Zjednoczenia" Chicago, Illinois


Introduction [Przedmowa] Jozef L. Kania - March 1938, Chicago, IL (p. 5)
author cites the importance of having such a written record of
experiences, fiction, and semi-fictional stories connected to Polish
participation in WWI.

Early Longings:

"For a Better Life" [Po Lepsza Dole] Mieczyslaw Sichrawa - June 1927, Chicago, IL (p.11)
woman comes to the United States from Poland to join her husband,
endures difficult sea trip, husband joins Haller's army, goes to fight,
returns to Poland, she rejoins him later in a free Poland

"The First Sowing" [Pierwszy Posiew] Arthur L. Waldo - December 1937, Chicago, IL (p. 18)
author describes the beginning of the Polish para-military organizations
many of which began as parish organizations with their comic-opera
uniforms, and strange Polish-English mixture of commands at exercises;
only later becoming professionalized with Falcon influence and serious
military training and leadership

"We go for Arms" [Idziemy Pod Bron] Arthur L. Waldo - February 1914, Wilkes-Barre, PA (p. 24)
the story of the ZMP - Zwiazek Mlodzierzy Polskiej or Union of Polish Youth
one of the para-military organizations, includes the verses of 2 of their
patriotic hymns
(English translation)

"Falcon Recruit" [Sokoli Rekrut] Leonard Stefanski - September 1937, Chicago IL (p. 32)
author describes the daily life of a Falcon activist in Wilkes-Barre, PA
includes his own patriotic poetry
(English translation)

The Idea Matures:

"The Founder" [Pan Fundator] Wojciech Albrycht - November 1936, Bydgoszcz, Poland (p. 45)
discussion of the role played by saloon owners in the Falcon movement as
monetary donors; one saloon owner is injured while being tossed up and
down by over-enthusiastic Falcons

"Prophetic Words" [Prorocze Slowa] Wojciech Albrycht - December, 1936, Bydgoszcz, Poland (p. 49)
the role of Witold Rylski as a leader and an inspiration to the young
Falcons doing their military training

To the Legions:

"To the Bloody Battle" [Na Krwawy Boj] Janusz Ostrowski - 1917, Detroit, MI (p. 56)
scientist Szumaj invents a device that will detonate explosive substances
at a distance, and plans to use it for the Polish cause in war; German
spies try to steal the secret -- a science-fiction/adventure story

"In English Captivity" [W Niewoli u Anglikow] Marian Zawadzki - November 1931, Detroit, MI (p. 73)
author describes life of interned Legionnaires in a camp in England
with a disastrous protest of conditions and ensuing massacre of prisoners

Military Training:

"A Military Dinner" [Wojskowy Obiad] Wojciech Albrycht - 1937, Bydgoszcz, Poland (p. 84)
Falcons train in Cambridge Springs, Pa, homemade dinner makes them run
for the bushes to be ill, contains verses to 2 Falcon songs

"The Great Scout" [Wielki Skaut] Arthur L. Waldo - September 1937, Chicago, IL (p. 92)
story of Andrzej Malkowski, the "father" of Polish scouting in America
and Poland; died when the ship on which he was a passenger struck a mine

(English translation)

"Our Cadet Unit" [Nasza Podchorazowka] Franciszek Truszkiewicz - May 1937, Cleveland, OH (p. 117)
author describes cadet training at Cambridge Springs, PA; courses,
weapons training, 36 mile cross-country march; gives list of 113 cadets of
120 (doesn't remember them all); gives three stanzas of a popular song


"Mobilizing Polonia" [Mobilizacja Polonii] F. J. Walus - February 1931, Cleveland, OH (p. 134)
recruitment through the Falcons and other organizations when author was
a 19 year-old boy

"The Orphan's Penny" [Sierocy Grosz] Arthur L. Waldo - December 1937, Chicago, IL (p. 138)
a maltreated orphan makes a donation of her only dime to the fight for a
free Poland

"Maguda" [Maguda] Arthur L. Waldo - December 1937, Chicago, IL (p. 144)
volunteer Maguda is rejected for the Polish Army because of his small
stature, but wheedles his way in, returns a decorated hero

"Sending Recruits" [Wyprawianie Rekrotow] S. Z. Stachowicz - September 1937, Cleveland, OH (p. 151)
a poor parish organizes the best send-off party for a group of 60
volunteers going to the camp in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

In Canada:

"The First Wave" [Pierwsza Fala] Stanislaw Nastal - November 1921, Milwaukee, WI (p. 158)
description of conditions at the camp in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

"Our Camp in Winter" [Nasz Oboz Zima] F. J. Walus - February 1931, Cleveland, OH (p. 164)
author describes conditions in winter quartering of Polish troops in Canada

"And the Moon had a Laugh" [A Miesaczek Sie Usmiechal] F. S. Barc - March 1938, Chicago, IL (p. 168)
a romance leads to desertion and early demise of a recruit

Across the Sea:

"Into an Unknown Morrow" [W nieznane Jutro] Stanislaw Nastal - November 1921, Milwaukee, WI (p. 175)
first transport of 600 Polish soldiers reaches France aboard the "Niagara"

"More of Them are Coming" [Jedzie Ich Wiecej] F. J. Walus - February 1931, Cleveland, OH (p. 180)
second transport of soldiers on the "Touraine," life aboard ship

In France:

"A Soldier's Testament" [Testament Zolnierza] Rudolf Tarczynski - August 1931, Orchard Lake, MI (p. 186)
a memoir relates the story of a soldier's youth when he studied for the
priesthood, then fell in love with a girl, eventually joining Haller's Army and
liberating Poland, but was unsuccessful in making a writing career

(English translation)

"Ratman" [Ratman] Arthur L. Waldo - August 1921, Detroit, MI (p. 200)
coward Tomasz Ratman makes good and gives up his life on the battlefield,
in the story is recruit Stefanski, who knows Ratman best of all
plot resembles the film "Fighting 69th" with James Cagney

"Breche O'Diable" [Breche O'Diable] Franciszek Truszkiewicz - June 1937, New York, NY (p. 233)
author describes the above-mentioned ravine in the Normandy region

To Poland:

"The Last Segment" [Ostatmi Etap] Jan J. Przyprawa - May 1934, Cleveland, OH (p. 240)
Haller's Army units arrive in Warsaw by train; hold victory parade

In Poland:

"Hero of Lwow" [Bohater Lwowa] Wladyslaw Borzecki - December 1937, New York, NY (p. 262)
heroic boy-soldier dies from wounds on Christmas eve

"Cossack" [Kozak] Arthur L. Waldo - July 1926, Detroit, MI (p. 266)
young soldier avenges his grandmother's death at the hands of Cossacks
during the Polish-Bolshevik War

"On the Bloody Border" [Na Krwawej Rubierzy] F. J. Walus - March 1926, Cleveland, OH (p. 270)
brave soldier Janek is killed just before Christmas during Bolshevik war

"Heart of Pomerania" [Serce Pomorza] Jozef Karas - January 1922, Milwaukee, WI (p. 289)
the 11th Polish Division moves into Pomerania from France


"Commanders of the Spirit" [ Hetmani Ducha] Fr. Michal Godlewski - Nov. 1921, Cleveland, OH (p. 298)
author lauds the heroic deeds of Poles through the ages, especially those
who won back the homeland in WWI

"Sleeping Knights" [Uspieni Rycerze] Karol Burke - May 1932, Detroit, MI (p. 302)
author praises the fallen and heroic sons of Poland, opens with a quote
from poet Juliusz Slowacki

"The Wanderer" [Wedrowiec] Stanislaw Czuwara - December 1937, Chicago, IL (p. 307)
in the form of a tale; the wind tells the searching wanderer about the Blue
Army of Polonia from America

"One of Many" [Jeden z Wielu] Arthur L. Waldo - October 1932, Detroit, MI (p. 313)
a veteran falls ill after returning from European campaign, destitute,
receives aid from a fund for those who served in WWI